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Explore high-value preschool through grade 12 data collected by the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Data Spotlight

4/12/24: We've recently updated some of our files and functionality. For SY2122 national grad rate, click here. When using the download customizable download tool, please choose all your filters before selecting states. If you want all states including national rates, click 'Deselect all'  on the states filter.

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What information do we provide?

ED Data Express provides public access to the funding, participation, and performance data from school years starting from 2010-2011 onward on formula grant programs administered in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Most of the data are collected by school year and updated annually as the data become available.

Grant Program Data Currently Available

Educators (includes Title I, Title II, and Title III)

McKinney-Vento Act (Homeless Program)

REAP (Rural Education Achievement Program)

Title I, Part A (Low Income Populations)

Title I, Part C (Migrant Education Program)

Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 (Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk)

Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk)

Title II (Training Teachers, Principals, and School Leaders)

Title III (English Learners)