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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the collection and reporting of data on EDE, beginning in SY 2019-20. The Department urges abundant caution when using the data and recommends reviewing the relevant data notes prior to use or interpretation. This includes data on state assessments, graduation rates, and chronic absenteeism.


Percent of teachers who are identified as inexperienced as defined by the state

Caution! States often vary significantly in their implementation, data definitions, and/or measures used to report on federal grant programs. Comparing data across states can lead to misinterpretation.

Map instructions: Use left and right arrows to navigate through the states/districts, which are ordered alphabetically. Use Enter to zoom into dustrict level data for current state. Use Tab key to exit map.

(Note: Because states use different definitions, making comparisons across states can lead to incorrect conclusions.)

EDFACTS File Specifications 203 and 067

Map Data Notes
Displaying 31 - 33 of 117 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2019-2020 SOUTH CAROLINA 203 839 Staffing Category Set Comparison: The sum of teachers who are experienced and inexperienced (Category Set A) does not equal the reported total number of teachers. These data should be equal. Our current method for identifying Inexperienced or Out-of-Field status can only do so for ELA, Math, and Science. This is in accordance to our ESSA plan. However, we are actively working on a method to expand this for all teachers.
2019-2020 LOUISIANA 203 839 Staffing Year to Year Comparison: The total number of teachers by out of field status (Category Set C) changed by 10% or more between the prior year and current year.
2019-2020 ALASKA 203 839 Staffing Completeness: Data were not reported for Teacher FTE by Emergency or Provisional Credential Status (Category Set B) by the final due date. Alaska does not issue emergency or provisional credentials.
United States

Title II Allocation of Funds

Share and percent of funds for different Title II activities

Source: Title II-A Use of Funds District Survey (EDE File Specifications T2USESHR AND T2USEPCT)

Title II Types of Professional Development (PD)

Of districts funding [Subject] PD, percent by type of PD

Source:  Title II-A Use of Funds District Survey (EDE File Specification T2DTYPE)

Title II Topics of Professional Development (PD)

Of districts funding [Subject] PD, percent by topic of PD

Source: Title II-A Use of Funds District Survey (EDE File Specification T2PDTOP)

Data Dictionary

Displaying 31 - 32 of 32

Filter by relevant graph
Relevant Graph Type of information Reference Term Description
Title II PD Topics Dataset Description Population/Sample For Title II teacher topics, N=10,677 districts weighted, 3,598 unweighted. For Title II principal topics, N=7,201 districts weighted, 2,658 unweighted.
Title II Allocation of Funds Dataset Description Population/Sample For Title II Allocation of Funds. N=13,418 districts weighted, 4,353 unweighted. See Appendix Exhibits B.2, B.3, and B.4 for results by district characteristics.