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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the collection and reporting of data on EDE, beginning in SY 2019-20. The Department urges abundant caution when using the data and recommends reviewing the relevant data notes prior to use or interpretation. This includes data on state assessments, graduation rates, and chronic absenteeism.

McKinney-Vento Act

Homeless Enrolled Students by State

Map instructions: Use left and right arrows to navigate through the states/districts, which are ordered alphabetically. Use Enter to zoom into dustrict level data for current state. Use Tab key to exit map.

Percentage of Homeless Students

SEA Source: EDFacts File Specification 118

LEA Source: EDFacts File Specifications 118, 170, and U.S. Census Bureau SAIPE Program

Map Data Notes
Displaying 1 - 3 of 106 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION 118 655 Participation Year to Year comparison: The LEA data indicate a change of -20% between the prior year and the current year total homeless student enrollment in Category Set A. Due student transitory across all studens move within BIE and non-BIE schools.
2021-2022 MAINE 118 655 Participation Year to Year comparison: The LEA data indicate a change of 33% between the prior year and the current year total homeless student enrollment in Category Set A. Professional development and awareness building of McKinney-Vento has increased significantly over the year, with the hiring of contractors to support the work under ARP-HCY. Over 4000 individuals participated in professional learning about McKinney-Vento in recent years, which would lead to more understanding and referrals. Additionally, Maine is experiencing an affordable housing crisis, and through the Emergency Rental Assistance program, most families were sheltered in hotels/motels. Increased understanding in LEAs on documenting homeless status in their student information systems is also leading to increased identification.
2021-2022 MISSISSIPPI 118 655 Participation Year to Year comparison: The LEA data indicate a change of -26% between the prior year and the current year total homeless student enrollment in Category Set A. The data has been verified as accurate.
United States


Program funding over time


Number of homeless enrolled students by primary nighttime residence over time.

*Note: In tooltip table, “Total” indicates total students who reported primary night time residence

Source:  EDFacts File Specification 118; Data Group 655


Proficiency gap between all students and homeless enrolled students in [Subject]

Source: EDFacts File Specification 175 & 178; Data Group 583 & 584

Funding, Participation and Performance Data Notes
Displaying 1 - 3 of 99 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION 118 655 Participation Year to Year comparison: The LEA data indicate a change of -20% between the prior year and the current year total homeless student enrollment in Category Set A. Due student transitory across all studens move within BIE and non-BIE schools.
2021-2022 MAINE 118 655 Participation Year to Year comparison: The LEA data indicate a change of 33% between the prior year and the current year total homeless student enrollment in Category Set A. Professional development and awareness building of McKinney-Vento has increased significantly over the year, with the hiring of contractors to support the work under ARP-HCY. Over 4000 individuals participated in professional learning about McKinney-Vento in recent years, which would lead to more understanding and referrals. Additionally, Maine is experiencing an affordable housing crisis, and through the Emergency Rental Assistance program, most families were sheltered in hotels/motels. Increased understanding in LEAs on documenting homeless status in their student information systems is also leading to increased identification.
2021-2022 MISSISSIPPI 118 655 Participation Year to Year comparison: The LEA data indicate a change of -26% between the prior year and the current year total homeless student enrollment in Category Set A. The data has been verified as accurate.
Displaying 1 - 3 of 203 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 ALL STATES 175 583 Performance The data for FS175/DG583 were suppressed for Illinois, Utah, and Virginia due to data quality concerns. The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do not necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions.
2021-2022 ALL STATES 150, 151, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 695, 697 Performance The data notes below include business rules that the Department uses to check potential data quality issues sent from states. Data users are encouraged to review each not carefully to make their own determination of the potential impact on analyses using this data. For more information, go to The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do not necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions.
2021-2022 ALL STATES 178 584 Performance The data for FS178/DG584 were suppressed for Utah and Virginia due to data quality concerns. The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do not necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions.