Eligible migratory students served by type of service
Source: CSPR1.7.1 (MSIX data) and EDFacts File Specifications 054, 145; Data Groups 102, 684
Diagram Data Notes
School Year | State | File Spec | Data Group | Data Topic | Data Note | State Note |
2021-2022 | ALL STATES | 145 | 102, 110, 514, 634SUB, 684, CSPR1.7.1, CSPR1.7.2 | Participation | The following states did not receive Title I Part C funding in School Year 2021-2022: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and Wyoming. | The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do not necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions. |
2021-2022 | ALL STATES | CSPR1.7.1 | CSPR1.7.1 | Participation | In SY2122, the data in this file replace part of FS121/DG634 from earlier years. This dataset provides the count of all eligible migratory children in the SEA by total and by grade. The counts are collected through the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX). Student counts of eligible migratory students by subgroups (data disaggregated by grade level and by qualifying move date, priority for services, qualifying arrival date within performance period, disability status, and English learner status) can be found in File Specification (FS) 121SUB/Data Group (DG) 634SUB. | The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do not necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions. |
2021-2022 | MINNESOTA | 145 | 684 | Participation | Accuracy - Confllicting Permitted Values: Student counts of migratory students receiving high school credit accrual were reported for grade levels outside the expected range in FS145/DG684. Permitted values should include only grades 8 through 12, ungraded and out of school for high school credit accrual. |
Program funding over time
Proficiency gap between all students and migratory students by [Subject]
Source: EDFacts File Specifications 175 & 178; Data Group 583 & 584