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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the collection and reporting of data on EDE, beginning in SY 2019-20. The Department urges abundant caution when using the data and recommends reviewing the relevant data notes prior to use or interpretation. This includes data on state assessments, graduation rates, and chronic absenteeism.

Title I, Part A

Percentage of Students Who Graduated With a Regular High School Diploma

Map instructions: Use left and right arrows to navigate through the states/districts, which are ordered alphabetically. Use Enter to zoom into dustrict level data for current state. Use Tab key to exit map.


Source: EDFacts File Specifications 150 and 151

Map Data Notes
Displaying 7 - 9 of 188 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 DELAWARE 150, 151 695, 696 Performance Reported Rate to Calculated Rate Comparison (SCH): The reported graduation rate (FS150) does not match the graduation rate calculated using reported counts (FS151) for 46 schools. The difference between the reported and calculated rates range from -50% to 66.67%. These should match by up to four decimal places. Schools identified: -Appoquinimink High School, NCES ID: 100008000225, State ID: 24 -Middletown High School, NCES ID: 100008000024, State ID: 18 -Brandywine High School, NCES ID: 100124000242, State ID: 190 -Concord High School, NCES ID: 100124000247, State ID: 194 -Mount Pleasant High School, NCES ID: 100124000246, State ID: 196 -Caesar Rodney High School, NCES ID: 100018000040, State ID: 626 -John S. Charlton School, NCES ID: 100018000043, State ID: 630 -Cape Henlopen High School, NCES ID: 100017000029, State ID: 726 -Dover High School, NCES ID: 100019000050, State ID: 648 -Kent County Secondary ILC, NCES ID: 100019000328, State ID: 655 -Charter School of Wilmington, NCES ID: 100000400012, State ID: 295 -Christiana High School, NCES ID: 100020000240, State ID: 390 -Delaware School for the Deaf, NCES ID: 100020000210, State ID: 540 -Glasgow High School, NCES ID: 100020000239, State ID: 392 -Newark High School, NCES ID: 100020000238, State ID: 394 -Penn (William) High School, NCES ID: 100023000209, State ID: 490 -The Wallace Wallin School, NCES ID: 100023000378, State ID: 522 -Delaware Military Academy, NCES ID: 100001600143, State ID: 578 -Delmar High School, NCES ID: 100027000080, State ID: 730 -Early College High School at Del State, NCES ID: 100005500363, State ID: 4040 -First State Military Academy, NCES ID: 100005700368, State ID: 4055 -Freire Charter School, NCES ID: 100005900372, State ID: 4080 -Great Oaks Charter School, NCES ID: 100006200373, State ID: 4075 -Indian River High School, NCES ID: 100068000085, State ID: 746 -Sussex Central High School, NCES ID: 100068000090, State ID: 748 -Lake Forest High School, NCES ID: 100079000095, State ID: 665 -Laurel Senior High School, NCES ID: 100081000100, State ID: 756 -MOT Charter School, NCES ID: 100001900123, State ID: 587 -Milford Senior High School, NCES ID: 100108000111, State ID: 678 -Delcastle Technical High School, NCES ID: 100128000154, State ID: 80 -Hodgson (Paul M.) Vocational Technical High School, NCES ID: 100128000296, State ID: 66 -Howard High School of Technology, NCES ID: 100128000297, State ID: 26 -St. Georges Technical High School, NCES ID: 100128000181, State ID: 44 -Newark Charter School, NCES ID: 100001500112, State ID: 588 -POLYTECH High School, NCES ID: 100075000092, State ID: 652 -Positive Outcomes Charter School, NCES ID: 100000500013, State ID: 570 -Calloway (Cab) School of the Arts, NCES ID: 100130000004, State ID: 286 -Conrad Schools of Science, NCES ID: 100130000270, State ID: 284 -Dickinson (John) School, NCES ID: 100130000275, State ID: 290 -McKean (Thomas) High School, NCES ID: 100130000274, State ID: 294 -duPont (Alexis I.) High School, NCES ID: 100130000276, State ID: 292 -Seaford Senior High School, NCES ID: 100153000158, State ID: 766 -Smyrna High School, NCES ID: 100162000299, State ID: 688 -Sussex Academy, NCES ID: 100001100091, State ID: 576 -Sussex Technical High School, NCES ID: 100168000170, State ID: 770 -Woodbridge High School, NCES ID: 100185000194, State ID: 780
2021-2022 ARKANSAS 150, 151 695, 696 Performance Prior Year Count Comparison (LEA): Submitted data indicated that the ALL cohort count (grand total) changed by more than 10% and 50 students or more from the prior year to the current year for 3 LEAs that have a cohort count of 250 students or more. While this may be correct, this is a larger change than we would typically expect to see. One district experienced a large increase in enrollment from 2020 to 2022 in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic and parents enrolling their students in a fully virtual high school. Other districts have seen year to year variability during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2021-2022 TENNESSEE 150, 151 696, 696 Performance Four-Year Cohort Count to IDEA Exiting Comparison: The number of CWD Four-Year Cohort graduates with a state-defined alternate high school diploma reported (COHALTDPL) in FS151 does not match the number of students reported as having graduated with an alternate high school diploma (GRADALTDPL) in FS009. CWD graduates with a state-defined alternate high school diploma (COHALTDPL) in FS151 included students awarded an alternate diploma in SY 2021-22 regardless of whether or not they continued to receive services. The CWD students reported in the exit data in FS009 as having graduated with an alternate high school diploma (GRADALTDPL) included only students exiting the program in SY 2021-22.
United States


Program funding over time


Number of students in school wide and targeted assistance programs by race/ethnicity over time

Source:  EDFacts File Specification 037; Data Group 548


Proficiency gap between economically disadvantaged and non-economically disadvantaged students by [Subject]


Source:  EDFacts File Specification 175, 178 & 179; Data Group 583, 584 & 585

Data Notes
Displaying 7 - 9 of 136 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 DELAWARE 037 548 Participation Year to Year Comparison: The SEA data indicate a change of greater than 10 percent between the current school year and the prior school year in Category Set A for the following racial/ethnic subgroup(s): Black or African American.
2021-2022 CALIFORNIA 037 548 Participation Year to Year Comparison: The SEA data indicate a change of greater than 10 percent between the current school year and the prior school year in Category Set A for the following racial/ethnic subgroup(s): two or more races. The California Department of Education acknowledges the year to year comparison. After a review of the data and the submitted file it was determined that the data, as reported are accurate.
2021-2022 MICHIGAN 037, 118 548, 655 Participation In 156 LEA(s), the total number homeless students reported as participating and served by Title I, Part A schoolwide programs and targeted assistance programs in FS037/DG548 is greater than the total number of homeless students enrolled in FS118/DG655. The data are accurate according to the requirements provided in the file specs for FS 118 and FS 037. FS 118 includes Homeless students that were both reported as Homeless and enrolled in the reporting district. FS 037 includes students who were reported as Homeless regardless of whether the district in which the students are counted is the reporting district. This occurs because the Homeless flag in the state data system remains attached to Homeless students throughout the school year, allowing students to be found enrolled in one or more districts that did not report the student as Homeless during the reporting period. This explains why the count in FS118 is sometimes lower than that submitted if FS037.
Displaying 7 - 9 of 270 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 175, 185 583, 588 Performance Across file comparison [MATHEMATICS]: The FS175 SEA number of students in the EL, MHL subgroup(s) who took a(n) ALL, REGASSWACC assessment and received a valid score for GRADE(S) HS does not equal the FS185 number of students who participated in the assessment. The discrepancies range from 109 to 131 students, or 7.01 to 15.02%. Similar discrepancies exist at the LEA and SCH levels. There are various reasons why some students would participate in a test and not be in the achievement universe. Students can either be new to the US, off policy test (students who took the alternative test when they should have taken the regular test and vice versa) and also off grade test. Some students were excluded from the test with an invalid test score, taken multiple tests, or had medical exceptions. All these added up to make the difference between participation and achievement.
2021-2022 IDAHO 175, 178, 185, 188, 189 583, 589, 590 Performance A year to year change of more than 200 students and 10% was identified for at least one subgroup, assessment type, or grade. Idaho has seen a steady increase in the overall enrollment, following the COVID-19 closures. This resulted in an increase in participation count, as well as the proficient count. There is a decrease in the ECODIS count, as schools continued to provide free lunches to students without FRL applications in SY 2021-22. It has been a challenge to collect the accurate economically disadvantaged status.
2021-2022 ARKANSAS 175 583 Performance 0% Year-to-Year Change (FS175): The same proficiency rate and number of valid test taker reported for: - GRADE 6/REGASSWACC/M were reported for the current year and the prior year. While this may be accurate, some variation is expected.