Title I, Part D, Subpart 1
Number of Students Served in Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 Programs by Program Type
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Number of students served
Source: EDFacts File Specification 119
Map Data Notes
Displaying 10 - 12 of 15 data notes
School Year | State | File Spec | Data Group | Data Topic | Data Note | State Note |
2019-2020 | NEW JERSEY | 180, 119 | 783, 656 | Participation | Accuracy - Across File: The number of students reported as Enrolled in Job Training Courses Programs in FS180/DG783 is greater than the total unduplicated student count reported in Subtotal 1 of FS119/DG656 for the following Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 program types: Juvenile Correction. The outcome(s) should be reported only once per student. | Issue identified at resubmission and the State did not have the opportunity to respond. |
2019-2020 | NEW JERSEY | 180, 119 | 783, 656 | Participation | Accuracy - Across File: The number of students reported as Earned High School Course Credit in FS180/DG783 is greater than the total unduplicated student count reported in Subtotal 1 of FS119/DG656 for the following Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 program types: Adult Correction. The outcome(s) should be reported only once per student. | Issue identified at resubmission and the State did not have the opportunity to respond. |
2019-2020 | NORTH CAROLINA | 119 | 656 | Participation | Year to Year Comparison: The unduplicated count of students reported in Subtotal 1 changed by 5 percent or more between the current year and the prior year for the following program types: Juvenile Detention. | Data has been reviewed and are accurate as submitted; as indicated in other documentation, varied COVID implications (students not in buildings to submit paperwork, staff not in building to receive paperwork, families opting out of public education during COVID, etc) have impacted NC data counts across the spectrum for the 1920SY. |
United States