Title I, Part D, Subpart 2
Number of Students Served in Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Programs by Program Type
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Number of students served
Source: EDFacts File Specifications 127 and Data Group 657
Map Data Notes
Displaying 10 - 12 of 68 data notes
School Year | State | File Spec | Data Group | Data Topic | Data Note |
2019-2020 | ALASKA | 180, 127 | 782, 657 | Participation | Accuracy - Across File: In one or more LEAs, the number of students reported as Earned Credits in FS180/DG782 is greater than the total unduplicated student count reported in Subtotal 1 of FS127/DG657 for the following Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 program types: Juvenile Correction and Juvenile Detention. |
2019-2020 | ARIZONA | 125, 127 | 629, 657 | Participation | Across File Comparison: In one or more LEAs, the total number of long-term students served (Category Set F) reported at the LEA-level in FS127/DG657 is less than the sum of students with pre- and post- test results for reading/language arts (Category Set A) reported at the LEA-level in FS125/DG629. These data should be equal. |
2019-2020 | ARIZONA | 180, 181, 127 | 782, 784, 657 | Participation | Accuracy - Across File: In one or more LEAs, the sum of students reported as 'Earned a GED' (or 'Obtained high school diploma') in FS180/DG782 and FS181/DG784 is greater than the student count reported in Subtotal 1 of FS127/DG657 for the following Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 program types: Neglected Programs. |
United States