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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the collection and reporting of data on EDE, beginning in SY 2019-20. The Department urges abundant caution when using the data and recommends reviewing the relevant data notes prior to use or interpretation. This includes data on state assessments, graduation rates, and chronic absenteeism.

Title I, Part D, Subpart 2

Number of Students Served in Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Programs by Program Type

Map instructions: Use left and right arrows to navigate through the states/districts, which are ordered alphabetically. Use Enter to zoom into dustrict level data for current state. Use Tab key to exit map.

Number of students served

Source: EDFacts File Specifications 127 and Data Group 657

Map Data Notes
Displaying 1 - 3 of 146 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022, 2020-2021, 2019-2020 ALL STATES 125, 127, 180, 181 629, 657, 782, 784 Participation Data for Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 are reported at the LEA level. For ED Data Express, the Department has aggregated the data to the SEA level for user convenience. Aggregated data are impacted by quality issues in the source data, which, in this case, are the LEA level data.  Please review all LEA data notes for potential data quality concerns. The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do not necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions.
2021-2022 MAINE 127 657 Participation Category Set E [N or D program (Subpart 1) by English Leaner Status(ONLY)] was not submitted for FS119/DG656 at the SEA level.
2021-2022 ARKANSAS 127 657 Participation Year to Year Comparison: A difference of at least 20% exists in one or more LEAs or schools included in this file between the current year and prior year. Data are correct as submitted. Additional LEAs were added on this reporting period.
United States


Program funding over time


Percentage of students in programs funded by Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 by race/ethnicity and program type



Source: EDFacts File Specification 127; Data Group 657


Number of long-term students showing improvement in [Subject] by program type


Source: EDFacts File Specification 125; Data Group 629

Funding, Participation and Performance Data Notes
Displaying 1 - 3 of 146 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022, 2020-2021, 2019-2020 ALL STATES 125, 127, 180, 181 629, 657, 782, 784 Participation Data for Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 are reported at the LEA level. For ED Data Express, the Department has aggregated the data to the SEA level for user convenience. Aggregated data are impacted by quality issues in the source data, which, in this case, are the LEA level data.  Please review all LEA data notes for potential data quality concerns. The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do not necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions.
2021-2022 MAINE 127 657 Participation Category Set E [N or D program (Subpart 1) by English Leaner Status(ONLY)] was not submitted for FS119/DG656 at the SEA level.
2021-2022 ARKANSAS 127 657 Participation Year to Year Comparison: A difference of at least 20% exists in one or more LEAs or schools included in this file between the current year and prior year. Data are correct as submitted. Additional LEAs were added on this reporting period.
Displaying 1 - 3 of 131 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022, 2020-2021, 2019-2020 ALL STATES 125, 127, 180, 181 629, 657, 782, 784 Performance Data for Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 are reported at the LEA level. For ED Data Express, the Department has aggregated the data to the SEA level for user convenience. Aggregated data are impacted by quality issues in the source data, which, in this case, are the LEA level data.  Please review all LEA data notes for potential data quality concerns. The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do not necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions.
2021-2022 IDAHO 125 629 Performance Year to Year Comparison: A difference of at least 20% exists in one or more LEAs or schools included in this file between the current year and prior year.
2021-2022 OREGON 125 629 Performance Year to Year Comparison: A difference of at least 20% exists in one or more LEAs or schools included in this file between the current year and prior year. Data are accurate as reported. Neglected & Delinquent Programs in Oregon were operating a reduced capacity during the Covid pandemic due to strict social distancing and quarantine guidelines & protocols. This impacted enrollment and assessment procedures. Our expectation is to see this data trend upward over the next few years as Delinquent Programs increase enrollment capacity now that pandemic protocols have subsided.