Title III
Percentage of English learners in Title III districts who attain proficiency
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Source: EDFacts File Specifications 050 and 138
Map Data Notes
Displaying 4 - 6 of 53 data notes
School Year | State | File Spec | Data Group | Data Topic | Data Note | State Note |
2021-2022 | MINNESOTA | 050 | 151 | Performance | Year to Year Comparison: The difference between the percentage of Title III English learners making progress on the English language proficiency assessment calculated from FS050/DG151 and FS138/DG675 in the current school year is 27 percentage points compared to the prior year. | In SY20-21, no progress calculations were completed due to our ESSA accountability waiver. In SY21-22, the large increase in percent making progress is expected because students meeting their targets and students who are proficient are included. |
2021-2022 | NEW JERSEY | 050 | 151 | Performance | Year to Year Comparison: The difference between the percentage of Title III English learners making progress on the English language proficiency assessment calculated from FS050/DG151 and FS138/DG675 in the current school year is 23 percentage points compared to the prior year. | NJ did not report Title III English learners making progress in previous Year. For the 2020-2021 school year, NJ received the Federal accountability waiver. As a result, NJ did not have 2 years of EL growth data to report. |
2021-2022 | NEW YORK | 050 | 151 | Performance | Year to Year Comparison: The difference between the percentage of Title III English learners making progress on the English language proficiency assessment calculated from FS050/DG151 and FS138/DG675 in the current school year is 26 percentage points compared to the prior year. | This is due to the impact of the pandemic on the state's ability to administer assessments. Assessments were not adminstered in SY19-20. As no scores were assigned in SY19-20 there was no way to calculate the percentage of ELLs who made progress in SY20-21. The data is reported accurately. |
United States