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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the collection and reporting of data on EDE, beginning in SY 2019-20. The Department urges abundant caution when using the data and recommends reviewing the relevant data notes prior to use or interpretation. This includes data on state assessments, graduation rates, and chronic absenteeism.

Title III

Percentage of English learners in Title III districts who attain proficiency

Map instructions: Use left and right arrows to navigate through the states/districts, which are ordered alphabetically. Use Enter to zoom into dustrict level data for current state. Use Tab key to exit map.

Source: EDFacts File Specifications 050 and 138

Map Data Notes
Displaying 52 - 53 of 53 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 MAINE 138, 116 675, 648 Performance The number of EL students reported in FS138/DG675 differs by -17% from students reported in FS116/DG648. These numbers are accurate. FS116 is being resubmitted howeve,r this will not change the impact to this comparison. FS138 uses a snap shot pulled from May, FS116 utilizes October 1 enrollment data.
2021-2022 NORTH CAROLINA 138, 116 675, 648 Performance The number of EL students reported in FS138/DG675 differs by 12% from students reported in FS116/DG648. Headcount (FS116) is taken in November of each year, and includes PK students. Assessed (FS138) count is taken in the spring. The expectation that these two counts should match is puzzling. NC has checked these numbers and can report that they are both accurate as reported.
United States


Program funding over time


Number of English learners enrolled compared to English learners served over time.

Source: EDFacts File Specifications 116, 141; Data Groups 648, 678


Proficiency results of former English learners compared to all students and current English learners for mathematics and reading/language arts.

Source:  EDFacts File Specifications 050, 126, 175, 178; Data Groups 151, 668, 583, 584

Data Notes
Displaying 52 - 54 of 224 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 LOUISIANA 116, 141 648, 678 Participation In 19 LEA(s), the total number of English learners receiving Title III services reported at the LEA-level in FS116/DG648 is greater than the total number of English learners enrolled reported at the LEA-level in FS141/DG678. Data for file 116 was collected directly from school systems via a survey. Data for file 141 was collected through secured data submissions from school system data managers. Data collected via survey appears to be inflated. Louisiana has confirmed data submitted in correct per what was received from school systems. Louisiana will put in additional measures to ensure data quality between these two collections.
2021-2022 OREGON 141 678 Participation In 47 LEA(s), English was reported as one of the top 10 languages spoken in FS141/DG678 at the LEA-level. Oregon has nine (9) federally recognized American Indian/Alaskan Native Tribes. Some of these students speak English and their indigenous languages. These data are accurate.
2021-2022 NEVADA 141 678 Participation Category Set Comparison: In 26 LEA(s), the sum of the Category Set A [Grade Level (Basic w/13), Language Instruction Educational Program Type] in FS116/DG849 is less than the Education Unit Total in FS116/DG648.
Displaying 52 - 54 of 231 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 IDAHO 175 583 Performance 0% Year-to-Year Change (FS175): The same proficiency rate and number of valid test taker reported for: - GRADE ALL/ALTASSALTACH/MAN were reported for the current year and the prior year. While this may be accurate, some variation is expected. Idaho has such a small population of American Indian / Alaskan Native students who are eligible for and participated in ALTASSALTACH.
2021-2022 OREGON 126, 211 668, 865 Participation, Performance The State reported a difference of -50% of students between the former English learners in their first year of monitoring in FS126/DG668 in the current school year and the number of English learners exiting in FS211/DG865 in the previous school year. Oregon experienced a shift in population during the COVID pandemic. Some students left Oregon public schools. Other students who were exited as proficient in the 2020-21 school year were returned to the EL program as additional support was deemed necessary. This data is accurate.
2021-2022 NEW MEXICO 175, 185 583, 588 Performance Missing Data (175/185): Achievement and Participation data for students in the MB subgroup(s) in GRADE(S) ALL, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 for the ALL, ALTASSALTACH, REGASSWACC, REGASSWOACC assessment type(s) were not reported at the SEA level(s).