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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the collection and reporting of data on EDE, beginning in SY 2019-20. The Department urges abundant caution when using the data and recommends reviewing the relevant data notes prior to use or interpretation. This includes data on state assessments, graduation rates, and chronic absenteeism.

Title III

Percentage of English learners in Title III districts who attain proficiency

Map instructions: Use left and right arrows to navigate through the states/districts, which are ordered alphabetically. Use Enter to zoom into dustrict level data for current state. Use Tab key to exit map.

Source: EDFacts File Specifications 050 and 138

Map Data Notes
Displaying 7 - 9 of 53 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 ARKANSAS 050, 138 151, 675 Performance In 1 LEA(s), the percent making progress calculated from FS050/DG151 and FS138/DG675 is greater than 100 percent.
2021-2022 CONNECTICUT 050, 138 151, 675 Performance In 2 LEA(s), the percent making progress calculated from FS050/DG151 and FS138/DG675 is greater than 100 percent. Data are accurate as reported. Data anomalies are due to pre- vs. post-pandemic comparisons, and these large fluctations occurred with the return to full in-person learning.
2021-2022 LOUISIANA 050, 138 151, 675 Performance In 8 LEA(s), the percent making progress calculated from FS050/DG151 and FS138/DG675 is greater than 100 percent. In fs050, students who assessed with a proficiency level were included in 3 categories,PROFICIENT,PROGRESS, and NOPROGRESS, the total number matched to the participating number in fs138. First assessed included in both fs050 and fs138 total numbers.
United States


Program funding over time


Number of English learners enrolled compared to English learners served over time.

Source: EDFacts File Specifications 116, 141; Data Groups 648, 678


Proficiency results of former English learners compared to all students and current English learners for mathematics and reading/language arts.

Source:  EDFacts File Specifications 050, 126, 175, 178; Data Groups 151, 668, 583, 584

Funding, Participation and Performance Data Notes
Displaying 7 - 9 of 223 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 MAINE 138, 116 675, 648 Participation The number of EL students reported in FS138/DG675 differs by -17% from students reported in FS116/DG648. These numbers are accurate. FS116 is being resubmitted howeve,r this will not change the impact to this comparison. FS138 uses a snap shot pulled from May, FS116 utilizes October 1 enrollment data.
2021-2022 NORTH CAROLINA 138, 116 675, 648 Participation The number of EL students reported in FS138/DG675 differs by 12% from students reported in FS116/DG648. Headcount (FS116) is taken in November of each year, and includes PK students. Assessed (FS138) count is taken in the spring. The expectation that these two counts should match is puzzling. NC has checked these numbers and can report that they are both accurate as reported.
2021-2022 NEW HAMPSHIRE 138, 116 675, 648 Participation The number of EL students reported in FS138/DG675 differs by 15% from students reported in FS116/DG648. FS116/DG648 uses a different reporting period from FS138/DG675. FS116 uses 10/1 and FS 138 uses the testing window. In addition, FS116 does not include students who were not served because the "parent declined" or "no EL teacher was available".
Displaying 7 - 9 of 231 data notes
School Year State File Spec Data Group Data Topic Data Note State Note
2021-2022 ALASKA 175, 178, 185, 188 583, 584, 588, 589 Performance A year to year change of more than 50 students and 5% was identified for at least one grand total, and a year to year change of more than 200 students and 10% was identified for at least one subgroup, assessment type, or grade. Less students tested in SY 2020-21 than in SY 2021-22, which would account for grand totals to increase. A new assessment was also administered in SY 2021-22, AKSTAR, proficiency scores often drop with a new assessment.
2021-2022 ARIZONA 175, 178, 185, 188, 189 583, 589, 590 Performance A year to year change of more than 50 students and 5% was identified for at least one grand total, and a year to year change of more than 200 students and 10% was identified for at least one subgroup, assessment type, or grade. The Science assessment (FS189) was not adminstered for SY 2020-21. However, grades 5, 8 and 11 were statewide tested in Science for SY 2021-22, hence, the change in counts. The increase in number of students tested in Math and RLA is justified by the increase in enrollment seen accross the state.
2021-2022 ARIZONA 175, 178, 185, 188, 189 583, 589, 590 Performance A year to year proficiency rate change of more than 15% and a year to year participation rate change of more than 4% was identified for at least one subgroup, assessment type, or grade. The Science assessment (FS189) was not adminstered for SY 2020-21. However, grades 5, 8 and 11 were statewide tested in Science for SY 2021-22, hence, the change in counts. The increase in number of students tested in Math and RLA is justified by the increase in enrollment seen accross the state and consequently this led to a change in proficiency rate as well as participation rates.