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Data Notes
Displaying 1 - 10 of 50 data notesSchool Yr | State | File Spec | Data Group | Level | Data Note | State Comment |
2022-2023, 2021-2022, 2020-2021 | ALL STATES | 150, 151 | 697, 698, 755, 766 | SEA | Only states that have adopted one or more extended-year ACGRs as part of the State's approved ESEA consolidated State plan report the adopted extended-year ACGRs via File Specification 150|151. States that do not have approved extended-year rates as part of their State's approved ESEA consolidated State plan do not report. | The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do no necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions. |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 150 | 695 | SEA | The current SY Four-Year graduation rate is higher/lower by 3 percentage points or more than the prior SY Four-Year graduation rate for the following subgroups with total cohort counts of 500 students or more: CWD: 4% ECODIS: 4% HOM: 6% LEP: 4% MAN: 4% | The ACGR-0083 reflects data reviewed and certified by each LEA as accurate. |
2022-2023 | ARIZONA | 151 | 696, 698 | SEA | The sum of the Cohorts for Four-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Table data group in the Cohorts for Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate file for student count by cohort status by Major racial and ethnic groups (Category Set A) or subtotals that include all students did not equal the Education Unit Total. | We have a small percentage of students for whom race/ethnicity was not reported to us. |
2022-2023 | ARKANSAS | 150, 151 | 697, 698 | SEA | The reported Five-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate did not equal the calculated graduation rate from the Cohorts for Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate file for student count by cohort status by Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A) and by Disability Status (Category Set B). | |
2022-2023 | ARKANSAS | 150, 151 | 695, 696 | SEA | The reported Four-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate did not equal the calculated graduation rate from the Cohorts for Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate file for student count by cohort status by major racial and ethnic groups (Category Set A). | The data non-match may be attributed to the differences in data points calculation in rounding of decimals. |
2022-2023 | CONNECTICUT | 151 | 696 | SEA | The sum of the Cohorts for Four-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Table data group for the SEA was not equal to the sum of the same data group for all schools in the SEA for Student Count by Cohort Status by Disability Status (Only) (Category Set B) and Foster Care Status (Category Set F). | The SEA sum is larger because it includes both schools as well as alternative education institutions and programs with enrolled students. |
2022-2023 | CONNECTICUT | 150, 151 | 695, 696 | SEA, LEA, SCH | The reported SEA, LEA, and school Four-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rates did not equal the calculated graduation rate from the Cohorts for Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate file for Student Count by Cohort Status by: -Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A). This applies to 340 LEAs and 442 schools. -Disability Status (Only) (Category Set B). This applies to 109 LEAs and 155 schools. -English Learner Status (Only) (Category Set C). This applies to 48 LEAs and 68 schools. -Economically Disadvantaged Status (Category Set D). This applies to 119 LEAs and 166 schools. -Homeless Enrolled Status (Category Set E). This applies to 16 LEAs and 25 schools. -Foster Care Status (Category Set F). This applies to 16 LEAs and 18 schools. | All reported rates have been confirmed as correct. In all cases, the reported rate matches the calculated rate out to three decimal places. |
2022-2023 | DELAWARE | 150, 151 | 755, 756 | SEA | The reported Six-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate did not equal the calculated graduation rate from the Cohorts for Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate file for Student Count by Cohort Status by Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A), Homeless Enrolled Status (Category Set E), and Foster Care Status (Category Set F). | The data is correct |
2022-2023 | DELAWARE | 150, 151 | 697, 698 | SEA | The reported Five-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate did not equal the calculated graduation rate from the Cohorts for Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate file for Student Count by Cohort Status by Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A) . | The data is correct |
2022-2023 | DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | 150, 151 | 697, 698 | SEA | The reported Five-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate did not equal the calculated graduation rate from the Cohorts for Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate file for Student Count by Cohort Status by Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A) and by Disability Status (Category Set B). |