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Data Download Tool

Steps for downloading the data you need (For more details, go to FAQs)

  1. Use the filters to the left to choose your data of interest (Tip: For File Specification and Data Group filters, hover over titles for more information)
  2. Select "RESET FILTERS" at any time to return to the default filters
  3. Once you have selected the data you need, click on the "DOWNLOAD DATA" button to download CSV and data notes. Your data will export immediately.

Note on download size: If the current size of the dataset exceeds 250,000 rows, the Department recommends that you use filters to reduce the size of the file (e.g. select a subset of states) and download the file in batches. A file that exceeds 1 million rows will not download completely.


ATTENTION returning users: To improve site performance, the default for this page has changed to one state only. 

Please choose all your filters of interest BEFORE updating the state filter to your state of interest. If you want to download all states in a file after choosing your other filters of interest, choose 'Deselect All' in the state filter. The boxes will remain empty, but all states will be in your dataset.

The data file downloads functionality will not work with Internet Explorer. Please try again using another browser (Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Current Size: 28,480,670 rows
Selected Filters >>>Title I, Part A2021-2022
Displaying 1 - 10 of 28,480,670 rows
School Year State Data Group Data Description Value Population Subgroup Program Type
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 26578061 Title I Part A Participants All Students Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 340352 Title I Part A Participants American Indian or Alaska Native Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 977385 Title I Part A Participants Asian Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 5268536 Title I Part A Participants Black or African American Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 10227777 Title I Part A Participants Hispanic/Latino Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 1150626 Title I Part A Participants Two or more races Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 115301 Title I Part A Participants Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 8497960 Title I Part A Participants White Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 3767870 Title I Part A Participants Children with one or more disabilities (IDEA) Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)
2021-2022 UNITED STATES 548 Title I Part A Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TAS) Program Participation 4112858 Title I Part A Participants English Learner Schoolwide Programs (SWP) and Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS)