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Data Download Tool
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- Use the filters to the left to choose your data of interest (Tip: For File Specification and Data Group filters, hover over titles for more information)
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- Once you have selected the data you need, click on the "DOWNLOAD DATA" button to download CSV and data notes. Your data will export immediately.
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Data Notes
Displaying 31 - 40 of 314 data notesSchool Yr | State | File Spec | Data Group | Level | Data Note | State Comment |
2022-2023 | BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION | 178 | 876, 877 | LEA, SCH, SEA | Student Count by Assessment Administered (Reading/Language Arts) by Grade Level by Proficiency Status by Foster Care Status (Category Set H) was not reported. | The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) student population does not consist of a large population of migrant students and other ethnic identities. The student demographic data was provided with demographic identifications from our student information system. There may be non-identified students of military connectedness, homelessness, foster care, and Limited English Proficiency. With BIE having a large variation of school demographics, such as small rural schools; proficiency may not be met, and/or gender can be skewed. |
2022-2023 | BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION | 185 | 880 | SEA | Less than 95 percent of students were reported as participating in the Grades 3-8 data group in the Assessment Participation in Mathematics file for Homeless Enrolled Status (Category Set G), and Foster Care Status (Category Set H). | The report data is accurate. Not all groups met the 95% participation rate. |
2022-2023 | BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION | 185 | 881 | SEA | Less than 95 percent of students were reported as participating in the HS data group in the Assessment Participation in Mathematics file for Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A), Sex (Membership) (Category Set B), Disability Status (Only) (Category Set C), English Learner Status (Only) (Category Set D), Economically Disadvantaged Status (Category Set E), Homeless Enrolled Status (Category Set G), and Foster Care Status (Category Set H). | The report data is accurate. Not all groups met the 95% participation rate. |
2022-2023 | BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION | 188 | 882 | SEA | Less than 95 percent of students were reported as participating in the Grades 3-8 data group in the Assessment Participation in Reading/Language Arts file for Homeless Enrolled Status (Category Set G), and Foster Care Status (Category Set H). | The data is correct. Less than 95% participated. |
2022-2023 | BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION | 188 | 883 | SEA | Less than 95 percent of students were reported as participating in the HS data group in the Assessment Participation in Reading/Language Arts file for Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A), Sex (Membership) (Category Set B), Disability Status (Only) (Category Set C), English Learner Status (Only) (Category Set D), Economically Disadvantaged Status (Category Set E), Homeless Enrolled Status (Category Set G), and Foster Care Status (Category Set H). | The data is correct. Less than 95% participated. |
2022-2023 | BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION | 175 | 874, 875 | SEA, LEA, SCH | Please see state comment for additional information regarding the state’s data submission | The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) student population does not consist of a large population of migrant students and other ethnic identities. The student demographic data was provided with demographic identifications from our student information system. There may be non-identified students of military connectedness, homelessness, foster care, and Limited English Proficiency. With BIE having a large variation of school demographics, such as small rural schools; proficiency may not be met, and/or gender can be skewed. |
2022-2023 | BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION | 178 | 876, 877 | SEA, LEA, SCH | Please see state comment for additional information regarding the state’s data submission | The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) student population does not consist of a large population of migrant students and other ethnic identities. The student demographic data was provided with demographic identifications from our student information system. There may be non-identified students of military connectedness, homelessness, foster care, and Limited English Proficiency. With BIE having a large variation of school demographics, such as small rural schools; proficiency may not be met, and/or gender can be skewed. |
2022-2023 | BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION | 179 | 878, 879 | SEA, LEA, SCH | Please see state comment for additional information regarding the state’s data submission | The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) student population does not consist of a large population of migrant students and other ethnic identities. The student demographic data was provided with demographic identifications from our student information system. There may be non-identified students of military connectedness, homelessness, foster care, and Limited English Proficiency. With BIE having a large variation of school demographics, such as small rural schools; proficiency may not be met, and/or gender can be skewed. |
2022-2023 | CALIFORNIA | 188 | 882, 883 | SEA, LEA, SCH | Please see state comment for additional information regarding the state’s data submission | Does not report the following Major Racial and Ethnic Group permitted values in this file: - MHN (Hispanic (not Puerto Rican) - MAP (Asian\Pacific Islander) - MPR (Puerto Rican) Effective SY2019-20, the California Department of Education collects a third gender option, 'X' aEUR" Nonbinary. In files where gender is a required data element, the education unit total (EUT) and the sums of the subtotals that includes sex/gender will not match. |
2022-2023 | CALIFORNIA | 029, 223 | 531, 021, 022 | SCH | Title I School Status was not reported for 3 operational schools. | ROCPs and JPAs are not funded under TIA and therefore not required to certify the TIA School Allocations and Student Counts forms that would provide their school status. |