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Data Notes
Displaying 1 - 10 of 314 data notesSchool Yr | State | File Spec | Data Group | Level | Data Note | State Comment |
2022-2023, 2021-2022, 2020-2021 | ALL STATES | 150, 151 | 697, 698, 755, 766 | SEA | Only states that have adopted one or more extended-year ACGRs as part of the State's approved ESEA consolidated State plan report the adopted extended-year ACGRs via File Specification 150|151. States that do not have approved extended-year rates as part of their State's approved ESEA consolidated State plan do not report. | The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do no necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions. |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 185, 188 | 880, 882 | SEA | The sum of the Grades 3-8 data group in the Assessment Participation in Mathematics file was not similar to the sum of the Grades 3-8 data group in the Assessment Participation in Reading/Language Arts file for one or more participation status, grade level and subgroup combinations. | Assessment data are correct. The difference can be accounted for by our policy to exempt first-year English learners from the ELA assessment. |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 188 | 883 | SEA | Less than 95 percent of students were reported as participating in the HS data group in the Assessment Participation in Reading/Language Arts file for Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A), Sex (Membership) (Category Set B), Disability Status (Only) (Category Set C), English Learner Status (Only) (Category Set D), Economically Disadvantaged Status (Category Set E), Migratory Status (Category Set F), Homeless Enrolled Status (Category Set G), and Foster Care Status (Category Set H). | The assessment data are correct. We are working with districts to address subgroup participation rates below the 95% threshold. |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 150 | 695 | SEA | The current SY Four-Year graduation rate is higher/lower by 3 percentage points or more than the prior SY Four-Year graduation rate for the following subgroups with total cohort counts of 500 students or more: CWD: 4% ECODIS: 4% HOM: 6% LEP: 4% MAN: 4% | The ACGR-0083 reflects data reviewed and certified by each LEA as accurate. |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 189 | 884, 885 | SEA, LEA, SCH | Please see state comment for additional information regarding the state’s data submission | SY2023 was the first year that Medicaid students were incorporated into the Direct Certification process. This inclusion enabled the ALSDE to identify a greater number of economically disadvantaged students without the use of forms or income applications. Homeless (HOM) subgroup numbers: Student Assessment data are matched to 9th-month enrollment, and all demographic data used to identify subgroups come from the latter file. A significant increase in Homeless enrollment is largely due to more Local Education Agencies (LEAs) identifying children and youth that qualify for homeless education services, increasing professional development for determining eligibility, and post-COVID strategies put in place to ensure LEAs submit unduplicated data in the States reporting portals. |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 029, 223 | 531, 021, 022 | SCH | Title I School Status was not reported for 13 operational schools. | These schools are run by a state operated agency. Therefore, they are not reported for Title I status. |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 185 | 881 | SEA | Less than 95 percent of students were reported as participating in the HS data group in the Assessment Participation in Mathematics file for Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A), Disability Status (Only) (Category Set C), English Learner Status (Only) (Category Set D), Homeless Enrolled Status (Category Set G), and Foster Care Status (Category Set H). | The assessment data are correct. We are working with districts to address subgroup participation rates below the 95% threshhold. |
2022-2023 | ALASKA | 189 | 884, 885 | SEA, LEA, SCH | Please see state comment for additional information regarding the state’s data submission | Alaska had one student group that flagged. MB - Enrollment numbers went down in 2022-2023 but roughly the same number of students took the assessment, making the participation rate increase. Alaska has no data to provide an explanation for the reduced enrollment for this student group. |
2022-2023 | ALASKA | 188 | 883 | SEA | Less than 95 percent of students were reported as participating in the HS data group in the Assessment Participation in Reading/Language Arts file for Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (Category Set A), Sex (Membership) (Category Set B), Disability Status (Only) (Category Set C), English Learner Status (Only) (Category Set D), Economically Disadvantaged Status (Category Set E), Migratory Status (Category Set F), Homeless Enrolled Status (Category Set G), Foster Care Status (Category Set H), and Military Connected Student Status (Category Set I). | The ELA participation rate for students in all of these combinations in HS was less than 95%. Correspondence school participation rate statewide is about 19% which reduces the overall rate considerably. However, participation rate for non-correspondence schools is still less than 95%. |
2022-2023 | ALASKA | 189 | 884, 885 | SEA, LEA, SCH | Please see state comment for additional information regarding the state’s data submission | Alaska had one student group that flagged. Alaska has worked to improve its identification and recruitment of migratory students, which resulted in more MS students participating in assessments. |