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Data Download Tool
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- Use the filters to the left to choose your data of interest (Tip: For File Specification and Data Group filters, hover over titles for more information)
- Select "RESET FILTERS" at any time to return to the default filters
- Once you have selected the data you need, click on the "DOWNLOAD DATA" button to download CSV and data notes. Your data will export immediately.
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ATTENTION returning users: To improve site performance, the default for this page has changed to one state only.
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Data Notes
Displaying 1 - 10 of 456 data notesSchool Yr | State | File Spec | Data Group | Level | Data Note | State Comment |
2021-2022 | ALL STATES | 178 | 584 | SEA, LEA, SCH | The data for FS178/DG584 were suppressed for Utah and Virginia due to data quality concerns. | The state notes in all sections of ED Data Express reflect the views of the state only and do not necessarily reflect compliance with requirements or consistency with reporting instructions. |
2021-2022 | ALABAMA | 141, 137 | 678, 674 | SEA | The number of EL students participating in the State annual ELP assessment (FS137/DG674) differs by 14% from students who are identified as ELs (FS141/DG678). | Enrollment data for ELs were collected at two different time periods. The test window is in the spring and the testing data files are pulled from the 9th month enrollment data. |
2021-2022 | ALABAMA | 141 | 678 | SCH | Category Set Comparison: In 261 school(s), the sum of the Category Set B [Language (Native)] does not equal the Education Unit Total. These two counts should equal. | Related to data entry by the LEAs. SY2022 was ALSDE move from INOW to PowerSchool. For example, the LEAs were allowed to set a student as immigrant without adding a primary language. ALSDE has been working with PowerSchool to implement business rules to ensure that data is properly input into the student management system. |
2021-2022 | ALABAMA | 116, 141 | 648, 678 | LEA | In 10 LEA(s), the total number of English learners receiving Title III services reported at the LEA-level in FS116/DG648 is greater than the total number of English learners enrolled reported at the LEA-level in FS141/DG678. | Related to data entry by the LEAs. SY2022 was ALSDE move from INOW to PowerSchool. For example, the LEAs were allowed to set a student as immigrant without adding a primary language. ALSDE has been working with PowerSchool to implement business rules to ensure that data is properly input into the student management system. |
2021-2022 | ALABAMA | 045 | 519 | LEA | Category Set Comparison: In 15 LEA(s), the sum of the Category Set B [Language (Native)] does not equal the reported total in FS045/DG519. | Related to data entry by the LEAs. SY2022 was ALSDE move from INOW to PowerSchool. For example, the LEAs were allowed to set a student as immigrant without adding a primary language. ALSDE has been working with PowerSchool to implement business rules to ensure that data is properly input into the student management system. |
2021-2022 | ALABAMA | 137 | 674 | SEA | The State reported 17% of English learners not participating in the annual ELP assessment; however, the requirement is that all ELs are assessed. | The EL population is very transient and EL students were included in the enrollment numbers who were not enrolled during the testing window. |
2021-2022 | ALABAMA | 141 | 678 | LEA | Category Set Comparison: In 59 LEA(s), the sum of the Category Set B [Language (Native)] does not equal the Education Unit Total. These two counts should equal. | Related to data entry by the LEAs. SY2022 was ALSDE move from INOW to PowerSchool. For example, the LEAs were allowed to set a student as immigrant without adding a primary language. ALSDE has been working with PowerSchool to implement business rules to ensure that data is properly input into the student management system. |
2021-2022 | ALABAMA | 116 | 648 | LEA | In 7 LEA(s), the data indicate a change of 50% or more between the current school year and the prior school year reported total in FS116/DG648. | Related to data entry by the LEAs. SY2022 was ALSDE move from INOW to PowerSchool. For example, the LEAs were allowed to set a student as immigrant without adding a primary language. ALSDE has been working with PowerSchool to implement business rules to ensure that data is properly input into the student management system. |
2021-2022 | ALABAMA | 045 | 519 | LEA | In 4 LEA(s), data were not reported for Category Set B [Language (Native)] in FS045/DG519 . | Related to data entry by the LEAs. SY2022 was ALSDE move from INOW to PowerSchool. For example, the LEAs were allowed to set a student as immigrant without adding a primary language. ALSDE has been working with PowerSchool to implement business rules to ensure that data is properly input into the student management system. |
2021-2022 | ALABAMA | 141 | 678 | SEA | Category Set Comparison: The sum of the Category Set B [Language (Native)] does not equal the reported total. These two counts should equal. | Related to data entry by the LEAs. SY2022 was ALSDE move from INOW to PowerSchool. For example, the LEAs were allowed to set a student as immigrant without adding a primary language. ALSDE has been working with PowerSchool to implement business rules to ensure that data is properly input into the student management system. |