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Data Notes
Displaying 1 - 10 of 268 data notesSchool Yr | State | File Spec | Data Group | Level | Data Note | State Comment |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 137 | 674 | SEA | The count of English learners not participating in the English Language Proficiency Test was greater than zero. | The assessment data are correct. Our EL population is very transient. If an EL student is enrolled for even one day during the testing window, he/she is counted as EL for purposes of calculating participation. Every effort is made to test all EL students. |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 138 | 675 | SEA | The count of English learners not participating in the Title III English Language Proficiency Test was greater than zero. | The assessment data are correct. Our EL population is very transient. If an EL student is enrolled for even one day during the testing window, he/she is counted as EL for purposes of calculating participation. Every effort is made to test all EL students. |
2022-2023 | ALABAMA | 116, 138 | 675, 648 | SEA | The sum of Title III English Language Proficiency Test students was greater than the total Title III Students Served. | The assessment data are correct. Student assessment counts the number of Title III students enrolled an any point in the testing window as potential EL testers. Enrollment numbers for Title III students are calculated at a different point in time. |
2022-2023 | ALASKA | 067 | 422 | SEA | The count of Title III Teachers not fully certified or licensed was greater than 20 percent of all Title III Teachers. | All Alaska Title III teachers hold a valid Alaska teaching certificate; however, only 26 of the 53 Title III teachers are specifically endorsed in ESL or related area. The 27 teachers not endorsed in ESL or a related area are provided supports by the LEA to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to meet these requirements. |
2022-2023 | ALASKA | 137 | 674 | SEA | The count of English learners not participating in the English Language Proficiency Test was greater than zero. | The actual participation rate in Alaska on the English language proficiency test was not 100%. |
2022-2023 | ALASKA | 138 | 675 | SEA | The count of English learners not participating in the Title III English Language Proficiency Test was greater than zero. | The actual participation rate in Alaska on the English language proficiency test was not 100%. |
2022-2023 | ALASKA | 138, 050 | 151, 151, 675, 675 | SEA | The sum of students in the Title III English Language Proficiency Results file making progress and not making progress was not similar to the count of students in the Title III English Language Proficiency Test file participating minus the sum of those students first assessed. | In Alaska, these counts are actually not expected to be similar. There are several inclusion/exclusion criteria applied to the calculations of English Learner Progress that do not apply to the participation status. For example, students must have a valid composite proficiency level, be enrolled continuously at the level of analysis (i.e., SCH, LEA, and SEA) from the October count day to the first day of testing, cannot be second time test takers in grade 1 when their previous test was in KG or a second time KG test taker, and must have time remaining to exit Englisher learner status. |
2022-2023 | ARIZONA | 137, 141 | 674, 678 | SEA | The sum of English Language Proficiency Test students was not similar to the total of English Learners Enrolled students. | The sum of English Language Proficiency Test students is not limited to students enrolled on October 1. Arizona assesses all EL students for English language proficiency at least once annually. |
2022-2023 | ARIZONA | 137 | 674 | SEA | The count of English learners not participating in the English Language Proficiency Test was greater than zero. | The numbers provided are accurate. Arizona assesses all EL students for English language proficiency at least once annually with the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA). All kindergarten and newly-enrolled students that have indicated a language other than English on the Home Language Survey are administered an AZELLA Placement Test. These students, as well as all continuing EL students, are then reassessed at the end of the school year with the Spring AZELLA Reassessment Test, as long as the students are still in attendance at an Arizona school. Arizona has a high rate of mobility for its EL student population. Also, it is important to note that newly-enrolled students who arrive after January 1 are only administered an AZELLA Placement Test and are not expected to be administered a Spring AZELLA Reassessment Test. |
2022-2023 | ARIZONA | 116 | 648 | LEA | The sum of Title III Students Served Count by Racial Ethnic (category B) that include all students did not equal the Education Unit Total. This applies to 7 LEAs. | We occasionally do not get the race/ethnicity reported to us for a student. |