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Choose A Download Approach

See the benefits of each approach below

Customize your Dataset

This is a good option if you want to download data:

  1. Across files, years, or programs
  2. For one or several states - but not all states
  3. For one or more specific subgroups (e.g. race/ethnicity, special population, age/grade, or gender)

Note: This option is the download approach that has been previously available on EDE

Build Dataset

Data Library

This is a good option if you want to download data:

  1. That includes all states and subgroups from one school year
  2. For one data group (DG) or one file specification (FS) only
  3. That includes more than 250,000 rows

Note: This option allows for the files to download faster than the “build and customize” approach

Access Library