About Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) State Files
This page contains information on the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights’ (OCR) Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), specifically geared for the development of State and local report cards. The State files are derived directly from the CRDC public-use data file. The school-level data collected in the CRDC are aggregated into State-specific data files and made available to ensure the data reported on State report cards are consistent with the data that OCR makes publicly available and safeguard student privacy, while reducing burden for States.
Note: The CRDC did not collect data in SY2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
CRDC State Reports by Year
About the CRDC
The CRDC is a biennial survey of all public schools and school districts in the 50 States, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. It measures factors that impact education equity and opportunity for students, including access to courses, programs, resources, instructional and other staff, and school climate factors such as student discipline. The purpose of the CRDC is to monitor how schools are meeting their responsibility to provide equal educational opportunities to students regardless of race/ethnicity, limited English proficiency, sex, or disability. It is part of OCR’s overall strategy for administering and enforcing civil rights statutes that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, and disability.
Additional information about the CRDC, including a link to download the complete public-use files can be found here.
A note on data quality:
OCR places a high priority on ensuring the accuracy of CRDC data. Information on data quality and privacy protection methodology can be found in the documentation on the CRDC website at https://civilrightsdata.ed.gov/data.
Questions or Comments and Additional Information
If you have questions or comments about the CRDC data, please email OCRDATA@ED.GOV.
For more information regarding report cards under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA, please see the U.S. Department of Education’s nonregulatory guidance on this topic.
If you have questions about this website or the State-specific data files, please email eddataexpress@ed.gov.